1.There was a fury of activity on the morning of their departure.
他的那个早上, 群情激昂。
2.In his fury he broke his eyeglasses.
盛之下, 他摔了坏自己的眼镜。
3.In a fury he slammed the windows.
他气冲冲, 砰地把窗户关上。
4.At last the fury of the storm lessened.
5.She felt a wave of wild fury overcame her.
6.The storm stuck with elemental fury.
7.The sight heated them into fury.
8.He flew into a fury and said that the whole thing was disgusting.
他勃然大, 说这一切令人作呕。
9.Lily's bottled-up fury.
10.Castigator's Fury– Damage done by spells and melee attacks increases, but casting time and endurance cost is increased.
11.He should have known better than to leave her for that young girl. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
12.However, the sudden fury of last night's spring rainstorm, moved those untended ferryboats away from shore, leaving them crossways in the middle of the stream.
13.The last play concerns the punishment of Orestes at the hands of the Furies, or Erinyes, the goddesses who purge him of the sin of matricide.
14.Even our local produce seller, a deeply pious man with a gentle wife who wears a chador (an open cloak that covers the head and body), could not contain his fury at Ahmadinejad.