1.The results confirmed his hypothesis on the use of modal verbs.
2.The gas-forming hypotheses are mainly synthetic gas and earth outgas hypotheses.
3.Her hypothesis concerns the role of electromagnetic radiation.
4.We have proved the hypothesis.
5.So it is very indispensable to revaluate the rear hypothesis of the present capital market theory.
6.Her study is based on the hypothesis that language simplification is possible.
7.The theory is based on the hypothesis that all men are born equal.
8.This demonstrates that pygmyism is not a result of earlymalnutrition, as another hypothesis has it.
9.The finding supported the hypothesis of nonindependent lexicons and the interaction between two mental lexica at the lexical level.
10.According to the hypothesis of some economists, increased wages may give rist to the high cost of living.
11.This leads to the hypothesis that NKG2D-mediated cytolytic function could be one of the mechanisms of tumor immune surveillance.
12.Mr Jen has an alternative explanation for why the yen is so feeble against the euro: the “global funnelling hypothesis”.
13.In his conceptuardenfors regards convexity rule as the criterion of projectibility, and uses it to distinguish lawlike hypotheses from accidental ones.
14.Wilson popularized the “biophilia” hypothesis: the idea that our evolutionary history has blessed us with an innate affinity for living things.
15.Lorentz promoted the Loredtz transformation in a form of hypothesis while Einstein deduced it from the necessitarianism of restricted theory of relativity.
16.Contrary to hypotheses, the newly married husbands with higher education achievement are more likely to choose intergenerational co-residence or even matrilocal residence.
17.After the analysis and calculation to an emblematical hypothesis, we made further improvement to the model.The result validated the rationality of the model.
18.The logic analysis of anti-reality hypothesis compound sentence is to reveal its hidden logic thinking modalities which are different reasoning,counterevidence and figurative reasoning.
19.The statistical theories of hypothesis tests and the quality control limit of multivariate have been used to study the discriminance for drink quality stability.
20.According to this hypothesis, the solar wind could transfer energy and momentum to the plasma surrounding the earth only by wave motions along the magnetopause.