| 划词

1.The Carignane grape, with roots from Aragon, Spain, is widely-popular throughout France and other wine-producing regions, but in the US it's a much less familiar varietal.




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1.Aragon was not where the action was... at all.



2.In 1527 King Henry VIII pursued a legal separation from his first wife, Catherine of Aragon.

1527 ,国王亨八世要与他第一任阿拉贡凯瑟琳合法分居


3.He only married Catherine of Aragon to strengthen England’s alliance with Spain.



4.However, this all changed when he wanted to divorce his first wife, Catherine of Aragon, to marry the young Anne Boleyn.



5.Aragon's idea also shows why some people may laugh or smile when they feel nervous or sad.


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The school of life

6.Born into a middle-class family in 1746, in Fuendetodos in Aragon, he began painting young and was quickly recognised by his contemporaries for his genius.

他于 1746 出生在阿拉贡富恩达托多斯一个中产阶级家庭他很小时候就开始画画,其天赋很快就被同时代人所认可。

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Level 9 08.Single Stories(60篇完结)

7.Catherine of Aragon, Henry's wife, gave birth to six children, but only Mary survived through infancy, leaving Henry with no male heir.


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BBC 听力 20235月合集

8.Socialist losses in several regions, including Valencia, the Balearic Islands and Aragon, compounded the sense of a major swing from left to right across the country.


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9.The origins of the English Reformation go back to Henry VII of England, who had arranged for his eldest son Arthur to marry the Spanish princess Catherine of Aragon.


The People Profiles

10.In these circumstances, Orwell decided to return to the Aragon Front, where on the 20th of May he was shot through the throat by an enemy sniper.

在这种情况下, 奥威尔决定返回阿拉贡前线,在5月20日, 他被敌方狙击手射中喉咙。机翻

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China Daily 中国日报 最新合辑

11.Aragon estimates that around 50 to 60% of people act in a mock aggressive way when confronted with something unbearably cute, and not everyone will have this ambivalent psychological experience.

Aragon 提出,大约 50% -60% 人在面对难以忍受可爱事物时会表现出一种模拟攻击性行为,并不是人人都会有这种矛盾心理体验。

「China Daily 中国日报 最新合辑」评价该例句:好评差评指正
The People Profiles

12.In early January 1937, the unit was sent to the Aragon Front near Zaragoza, though they lacked the supplies to do much fighting and were reduced to patrol duty.

19371月初, 该部队被派往萨拉戈萨附近阿拉贡战线,但他们缺乏物资, 无法进行激烈战斗, 只能执行巡逻任务。机翻

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13.Loyal as he was to the king, however, More could not see his way to approving any defiance of papal authority or the king's divorce from Catherine of Aragon.

然而, 尽管他忠于国王, 莫尔却看不到他批准任何蔑视教皇权威或国王与阿拉贡凯瑟琳离婚方式机翻


14.On the other hand, Castile, Aragon, France,   and England were painfully slow. England was so lazy in its approach that when the plague  reappeared in 1665, it suffered heavily.

另一方面,卡斯蒂亚、阿拉贡法国和英格兰发展速度慢得令人痛苦。 英格兰做法如此懒惰,以至于当 1665 瘟疫再次出现时, 它遭受了沉重打击。机翻

The People Profiles

15.This antipathy went all the way back to the reign of Charles I's great-great-great-uncle, King Henry VIII, and his spurning of his first wife, Catherine of Aragon, who was the King of Spain, Charles V's aunt.


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16.In practical terms, this meant Orwell briefly trained in Lenin barracks before being sent out to fight on the Aragon front… But when we say " fighter" , we really mean " stand around in a trench getting really really bored."

实际上,这意味着奥威尔在列宁兵营接受了短暂训练,然后被派往阿拉贡前线参战… … 如果“参战”指是“站在战壕里百无聊赖”。



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