| 划词

1.When I was an eremite on BBS, I met him.




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Twitter创始人Jack Dorsey演讲

1.So, we had a pretty good connection to the BBS systems, the bulletin board systems, back then.


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报》 Podcast

2.To go online you had to connect your computer to a phone line and dial something called a BBS.

要上网,您必须将计算机连接到电话线并拨打称为 BBS 的电话机翻

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报》 Podcast

3.Now they're siloed off on these Discord servers, which are kind of like their own BBSs in a way.

现在他们被孤立在这些 Discord 服务器上, 这些服务器在某种程度上有点像他们自己的 BBS。机翻

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报》 Podcast

4.But then the internet arrived and brought the BBS era to an end.

但后来互联网的到来, 结束了 BBS 机翻

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5.The genuine sense of community that came with the BBS era.

BBS 带来的真正的社区机翻

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报》 Podcast

6.At their peak, in the early '90s, there were thousands of BBSs all over the United States.

在 90 年初的鼎盛期, 全美各地有数千个 BBS。机翻

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7.That's a lot of years and a lot of bbs. Once they're born, they immediately leave their  family for a life of solitude.


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8.And the BBS users who were, you know, late teenagers, early twenties and stuff, would have these parties and get together.


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报》 Podcast

9.When he was still a young teenager, he started his own BBS called The Cave.

当他还是个十几岁的孩子, 他创办了自己的BBS, 名为The Cave。机翻

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10.Benj Edwards, who we heard from at the top of this episode, first discovered the thrill of socialising online in the BBS era of the early '90s.

本杰·爱德华兹(Benj Edwards)是本集顶部的,他在90年初的BBS首次发现了在线社交的快感。机翻

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报》 Podcast

11.A BBS is a bulletin board system, a way for people to call and leave messages that other people could read later, like a bulletin board.

BBS 是一种公告板系统, 是一种供人们打电话和留言供其他人稍后阅读的方式,就像公告板一样。机翻

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12.You can see its origins in the BBS era of the '80s and '90s, and the model is about to get a lot more attention as Reddit attempts to go public.

你可以看到它起源于 80 年和 90 年BBS ,随着 Reddit 试图上市, 这种模式即将获得更多关注。机翻

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报》 Podcast

13.Jonathan Abrams was part of the BBS era in the '90s when everyone used pseudonyms to chat with each other, and he was fascinated by technology that could be used to connect people.

乔纳森·艾布拉姆斯(Jonathan Abrams)是90年BBS的一部分, 当每个人都使用化名相互聊天,他对可用于连接人们的技术着迷。机翻

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14.As a college student, I get on line every day to discuss news with other people on BBS, to study English by registering for web courses, to chat freely through MSN Messenger with my friends.




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