Two fierce griffins guarded the entrance to the castle.
在进门处, 着两个怪物。
I've been researching this creature, sire. I believe it to be a griffin.
Merlin! Lancelot's ridding out to kill the griffin! He's what?
梅林!兰斯洛特骑马去杀狮鹫了。 他什么?
You've raised over $100,000 for Griffin.
Griffin's address is also two blocks from the crime scene.
很好 带上亨利 出发吧。
The griffin was unharmed, sire. Our weapons were useless against it.Useless?
I have video of you dismantling the security camera at the Griffin Hotel.
" He will be safer here behind the walls of Griffin's Roost than back at camp" .
" 我还要转移伊耿王子," 琼恩伯爵宣布," 他待在鹫巢堡比待在营地安全。"
So why did you rent a hotel room at the Griffin the night before the explosion?
What was your boss doing at the Griffin Hotel under an assumed name, the night before the bombing?
Good. We finish this tonight. the griffin can only be killed by magic?
“Percy! ” hissed Ron, pulling Harry behind a large stone griffin.
Yeah, you gon' want to get out of Griffin.
- 是的, 会想要离开格里芬。
I just talked to Keegan, Griffin's lawyer.
Who could have been reduced to sudden extremity for the company of that griffin!
There are those that believe this creature, this griffin, is a creature of magic, that only magic can destroy it.
There were busts on light pillars and a stone seat with crouching griffins at each end.
灯柱上有半身像, 石座的两端各有蹲伏的狮鹫。
" That's a griffin, " Julia said, trying to hide her fear. " It's a legendary creature."
“那是一只狮鹫,”茱莉亚说,试图掩饰她的恐惧。 “是传说中的生物。”
Professor McGonagall rapped three times with the griffin knocker and the voices ceased abruptly as though someone had switched them all off.
She lifted them to the ceiling, where the griffins and bassoons were colourless and vague, the very ghosts of joy.
她把它举到天花板上, 那里的狮鹫和巴松管没有色彩, 模糊不清,是欢乐的幽灵。
It was 1997, and I was the new boss of Griffin's Foods, an iconic cookie and snacks company in New Zealand.
那是 1997 年,我是新西兰标志性饼干和零食公司 Griffin's Foods 的新老板。