Looking at moving advertisements must be better than listening to Muzak– that's non-stop, pre-recorded – usually boring - music?
He worried that Muzak would prevent people from hearing silence altogether.
他担心 Muzak 会阻止人们完全听到寂静。
For the better part of the 20th century, Muzak was piped into stores and factories.
在 20 世纪的大部分时间里,Muzak 被输送到商店和工厂。
Peddlers of Muzak claimed it could improve customers' moods and increase employees productivity.
Muzak 的小贩声称它可改善顾客的情绪并提高员工的工作效率。
You can be a customer yourself, buying your company's products, ringing your own helplines and enduring the same teeth-grinding muzak.
Muzak supposedly worked by arranging 15-minute blocks of songs that gradually increased in tempo and energy.
Muzak 据说是通过编排 15 分钟的曲块来工作的,曲的节奏和能量逐渐增加。
It was like the air we breathed, or the muzak floating around as we prowled the mall, ever-present and hardly worth remarking upon.
John Cage mentioned that he wanted to write a four-and-a-half-minute-long piece of silence and sell it to the Muzak company.
约翰·凯奇 (John Cage) 写下《4 分 33 秒》的四年前, 他提到自己想写一段四分半钟的无声片段, 然后卖给 Muzak 公司。
Songs such as “I Will Always Love You”, “I'm Every Woman” and “One Moment in Time” so long in the charts and in wine-bar Muzak that they seemed to get into the bloodstream of the world.
曲诸如“我将永远爱你”, “我也如普通女人”和 “在那一刻”在排行榜及白葡萄酒吧的助兴中占据了如此之长的时间,至于曲就好像融入了世的血液之中。