10.To centering the website that after clearing, still did not put on record, give stoutly shut, to putting on record information truthless, inaccurate, instruct correct.
11.After these hackers are atttacking a website normally, replace website content into the page that contains remonstrant content, affix anarchism mark, still leave their assumed name.
12.The network’s website contains a webpage on medical consultation, a wardmate correspondence page, a friend-get-together page, and webpages on patients’ rights as well as scientific knowledge, etc.
13.The CLP Group does not indicate expressly or impliedly any endorsement, approval, recommendation or preference of or for those third party websites or the products and services provided on them.
14.It has a website, but it still has to unlace the knotty problem facing all weeklies trying to manage themselves into an online future — what does a Web-based weekly look like?
15.Newspaper Aftonbladet said on its website that Marita Larsson was walking around Stockholm's Old Town in early March and took a photo of a swan on the river as a spring thaw melted the ice.
16.The crew will present our school with a copy of the show once it is completed and the whole school community will be able to see it either on the school website, or in the tuckshop area.