1.The author outlines the type, characteristics of coagulant popularly used; especialy discusses the application conditions and extents of polyacrylamide, polyiron sulfate and poly alum.
1.Junior players say it's amazing to hang out with the famous JTCC alum.
2.And I challenge every business in Champaign, I challenge every alum, go buy it.
3.USC alum, Ryan Coogler, nice enough to be joining us here today.
南加州大学校瑞恩·库格勒(《黑豹》导演,硕士毕业于 USC),很高兴今能加入我们。
4.All right. Madonna was married to this Ridgemont High alum. Oh, my God! Sean Penn!
5.Sarah is a GSB alum, she works down the street at a new startup series B.
莎拉是 GSB 校,她在一家新业系列 B 工作。
6.You'll develop your favorites that you will visit again and again as you return to Yale as an alum.
7.Vishal Jani is also a JET program alum.
Vishal Jani 也是 JET 计划校。机翻
8.I'm a very proud alum of Penn State.
9.Apple's own Lisa Jackson is a proud Tulane alum.
苹果公司Lisa Jackson是一位令人骄傲杜兰校。
10.What they wanted more than anything else was the kind of old boy network. The VMI alums are very loyal.
11.So to make the textiles the Ottomans craved, the Italians needed Ottoman alum, at least until 1460.
因此,为了制造奥斯曼帝国渴望纺织品,意大利人需要奥斯曼明矾,至少在 1460 年之前是这样。机翻
12.He is an alum of the Japanese Exchange and Teaching program, or JET.
他是日本交流和教学计划 (JET) 校。机翻
13.In fact, many of our alums think we should have represented the university.
14.I know I'm telling a room of many MBA alums to stop talking and that's hard.
我知道我要告诉一屋子许多 MBA 校停止说话,这很难。机翻
15.The country was invaded because it had plenty of alum, aluminum and amalgam.
16.She's an HHM alum and now heads up banking at Schweikart and Cokely.
17.And I listened to alums – and trustees – who also have big dreams for NYU.
18.When Giovanni da Castro, Pope Pius II's godson, discovered alum, in Italy, in Tolfa.
当教皇庇护二世教子乔瓦尼· 达· 卡斯特罗 ( Giovanni da Castro)在意大利托尔法 ( Tolfa) 发现了明矾。机翻
19.We give 700 wellness calls to all of our girls and a portion of our alums to find out how they were.
20.He wrote hits The Bangles, Sinead O'Connor as well as a run of multi-million selling alums of his own.
他作了热门歌曲 The Bangles、Sinead O'Connor 以及他自己一系列销量达数百万校。机翻