| 划词

1.I spent a lot of my young adult life being against a whole bunch of stuff: antiracism, antiwar.




mairie, maise, Maisie, maisin, maisonette, maisonnette, maist, MaiSto, maitai, maitansine,


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1.Mother's Day was initially launched by antiwar activists in 1872.


NPR音讯 2024年9月合集

2.I met a dozen Israeli antiwar protesters on the street this weekend. Listen to Orit Zacks.


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3.He was an engineering school dropout, a participant in the Free Speech Movement, and an antiwar activist.


A Promised Land

4." So much for being the antiwar president, " Axe said.

" 作为一名反战总统, 这已经足够了, " 艾克斯说。机翻

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5.Plus there's this: By his math, the original audience for his antiwar message had been tiny.


A Promised Land

6.The short speech I'd given at the antiwar rally suddenly looked prescient and began to circulate on the internet.


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VOA Special 2021年2月合集

7.He wrote antiwar songs before the war in Vietnam became a violent issue in the United States. One was called " Blowin' in the Wind" .


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Level 9 08.Single Stories(60篇完结)

8.John and his wife, Yoko Ono, recorded several new albums together and became involved with the antiwar movement building in response to the Vietnam War.


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TED演(音频版) 2020年5月合集

9.All three of these businesses were created by people who had grown up through the '60s, shaped by the civil rights, antiwar, feminist and peace movements.

所有这三个企业都是由在 60 年代成长起来人创建民权、反战女权主义和和平运动影响。机翻

「TED演(音频版) 2020年5月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正
BBC 听力 2023年4月合集

10.Vladimir Kara-Murza who faces 25 years in jail on treason charges for his antiwar comments told the court it reminded him of the Stalin show trials of the 30s.


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Level 9 08.Single Stories(60篇完结)

11.Einstein spent the next years of his life working with antiwar groups, giving speeches on the need for civil rights, and expanding his unified field theory.


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A Promised Land

12.In October 2002, before even announcing my candidacy, I'd been invited to speak against the impending U.S. invasion of Iraq, addressing an antiwar rally held in downtown Chicago.

2002 年 10 月,在宣布参选之前,就被邀请在芝加哥市中心举行反战集会上发表演,反对美国即将入侵伊拉克。机翻

「A Promised Land」评价该例句:好评差评指正

13.Picasso's mural, considered by many to be the greatest antiwar work of art ever, tells the story. It was market day. The town was filled with farmers from the countryside.

毕加索壁画, 被许多人认为是有史以来最伟大反战艺术作品,述了这个故事。 那是集市日。 镇上处都是来自农村农民。机翻

American Heritage History of the Presidents

14.Grant's Democratic opponent, Horatio Seymour, wartime governor of New York, who had addressed antiwar rioters as " my friends, " could be pilloried as a Copperhead - a Northerner with Southern sympathies - and a tool of Tammany Hall.

格兰特民主党对手、战时纽约州州长霍雷肖·西摩(Horatio Seymour)曾将反战暴徒称为“朋友”,他可能会被嘲笑为铜头蛇(Copperhead)——一个同情南方北方人——和坦曼尼·霍尔(Tammany Hall)工具。机翻

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A Promised Land

15." Let me begin by saying that although this has been billed as an antiwar rally, I stand before you as someone who is not opposed to war in all circumstances." The crowd grew quiet, uncertain of where I was going.


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