9.The Terra and Aqua satellites carry instruments called spectroradiometers which detect the infrared radiation, that is, the heat, radiating from the Earth's surface.
Terra 和 Aqua 卫星携带着名为 “分光辐射度计” 仪器,它测量红外线辐射,也就地球表面辐射能量。
16.All right, let's dive on in now to the aqua marine waters around Mozambique considered some of the richest in the world, full of fauna and marine life.
17.So in English, the name for this bluish green colour is aqua and that colour is very similar to aquamarine which is this bright greenish-blue colour, a little different.
18.This giant ship has seven neighborhoods along with an aqua theater, spa and fitness facilities, a pool and sports zone, an entertainment area and a youth zone.
19.Spitting out the fibrous residue Dr. Ponser, who has spent time living and eating with the hatser, describes the aqua as really planned, he has also eaten boiled warthog which he says is.
吐出纤维残留物 Dr. Ponser,与帽子者一起生活和吃饭,将 aqua 描述为真正计划,他还吃过他说煮过疣猪。机翻
20.Likely the water's now frozen, in a kind of permafrost beneath the surface, but maybe there are pressures and temperatures in various areas of Mars that have liquified the ice and created perhaps aqua forms.