1.Local media said the man got too hot while trying to break into the safe, took off his balaclava and revealed his face to a hidden security camera.
1.It is better, and safer, to imagine people wearing many more clothes and ideally a balaclava, too.
2.Harry looked around. Cho was passing, accompanied by Marietta Edgecombe, who was wearing a balaclava.
3.At some point, the balaclava covering my face slipped out of place, exposing an inch of skin.
4.Footage published on social media showed security services in balaclavas beating protesters and then threatening the person filming it.
5.But helicopters flew to the Arctic Sunrise and around 15 armed men in balaclavas up sailed onto the deck.
6.And you would be wearing dresses and balaclavas and just, like, punk beyond punk.
7.He runs into the bank ... he's got no mask, no balaclava, no nothing, right?
他跑进银行… … 他没有面具,没有巴法帽,什么都没有,对吧?机翻
8.You're in a small cage, and you're surrounded by thin prison guards in balaclavas.
9.His balaclava's off, and he's young.
他的巴瓦脱落了, 他很年轻。机翻
10.You don't think, when you think of London you don't think of people wearing balaclavas and smashing windows and behaving in this violent way.
11.Someone has robbed a bank with a balaclava that was on completely the wrong way, and his ear was showing, and we matched them up.
12.Gangs of young men, many wear scarves over their faces or balaclavas held the lumps of concrete and firecrackers at the lines of riot police.
13.So, he comes into the shop with a balaclava, with a hat with just eyes, and he says: " This is a hold up. I'm going... This is a hold up." Okay?
所以,他带着巴法帽走进商店,戴着一顶只有眼睛的帽子,他说:“这是一个拦路虎。 我要去… … 这是一个拦路虎。 ” 好的?机翻
14.In Ms Catton's new novel, " Birnam Wood" , the characters wear dark gloves, balaclavas and jackets zipped to the throat, listening out for a " shout of warning, or a gunshot, or the now unmistakable sound of a drone" .
在卡顿女士的新小说《Birnam Wood》中,人物戴着深色手套, 戴着巴法帽, 身穿链至领口的夹,侧耳倾听“警告的呼喊、枪声,或如今已明确无误的无人机声” 。机翻