2.But a person bivouac in street, who feels unwanted by people,unloved by people,terrified, the person who throw over by society——such poverty make people so heartache and so intolerability.
8.The insects make a habit of killing organisms, often much larger than themselves, breaking them into pieces and dragging the morsels back to their bivouacs.
9.She was looking straight up at the Narnian moon, which is larger than ours, and at the starry sky, for the place where they had bivouacked was comparatively open.
10.She knew where it was because each evening the men telephoned Trimmings, the Fitch place, to report progress, and on Wednesday night they described the place where they were going to bivouac'.
11.He sat in silence shedding big tears which collected on the end of his nose and then fell off with a huge splash on the whole bivouac of the Mice, who had just been beginning to get warm and drowsy.