I don't think there are inevitability between whethere the children blessedness or not and the genearch rich or not, mainly depend on how their children how to treat with the lives.
I don't know why intitle “The chapped bridge”, perhaps it is a joke the earth gaggery to human!We can't find our truly blessedness without suffering pain.
It was fantastic to hear that great hulking bum, who'd been thrown out of his own world, that sardonic, bitter down-and-out, speaking of the ultimate reality of things and the blessedness of union with God.
Surely it is not true blessedness to be free from sorrow, while there is sorrow and sin in the world: sorrow is then a part of love, and love does not seek to throw it off.
The unspeakable blessedness of having a home! Much as my imagination has dwelt upon it for thirty years, I never knew how deep and exquisite a joy could lie in the assurance that one is at home for ever.