As leader, Francois Duvalier brutalized his people, ruining their lives, their prospects and their economy, even as he showered himself with ever more ludicrous titles.
That's a far cry from the subordinate role women held in Taliban era Afghanistan, barred from schools and most jobs and brutalized for social infractions.
The White House noted that President Ortega and Vice President Rosario Murillo are ultimately responsible for the actions of the pro-government parapolice who have brutalized their own people.
The principal difficulty consisted in finding an answer to the principal question, which was: What should be done with those who became brutalized in the struggle for life?
Our purpose here is to protect our black leaders from the racial on slaughter of the pig who wishes to brutalize our black leaders , rape our women, and destroy our black communities.
But only you do, you do it, in the way that you must physically over the years have trained and brutalized your body to achieve what you've achieved doing so many of your own stunts.
Is one half of the human species, like the poor African slaves, to be subject to prejudices that brutalize them, when principles would be a surer guard only to sweeten the cup of man?