1.The scene of this painting contains plentiful storylines.Firstly,the artist depicted emphatically the caressing relation of the crummie to her child.
1.You were standing behind her caressing her lovingly in these pictures.
2.She thought of Rhett, a flash of white teeth against swarthy skin, sardonic black eyes caressing her.
3.His left hand was caressing his right, which looked as though it was encased in a bright silver glove.
4.His eye was caressing, his demeanour polite.
他的眼神充满爱抚, 举止彬彬有礼。机翻
5.He's lingering on his biceps like he's caressing goehring's body.
他老是停留他的二头肌 像抚摸Goehring的身体一样。
6.But Alice moved away from the caressing hand.
7.Margaret knelt by him, caressing him with tearful caresses.
玛格丽特跪他身边, 泪流满面地爱抚着他。机翻
8.Dorothea spoke in a full cordial tone, half caressing, half explanatory.
多萝西娅用一种完全亲切的语气说话, 一半是爱抚, 一半是解释。机翻
9.As he stood, mute and grave, she again fell to caressing Carlo.
10." Granny! Where? Why" ? she asked her aunt in her caressing, coaxing way.
“!哪里?为什么”? 她用爱抚、哄骗的方式问姑姑。机翻
11." What is your name" ? said Julien, with the caressing smile of happy timidity.
“叫什么名字” ?于连说,带着快乐的胆怯的爱抚微笑。机翻
12.His rich, caressing voice reassured her and she took his hand and affectionately pressed it.
他浑厚而充满爱抚的声音让她安心了, 她握住他的手, 深情地握了握。机翻
13.Madame Sipiagina asked with that same caressing softness in her voice and in her eyes.
西皮亚吉娜夫人问道, 她的声音和眼神都带着同样温柔的爱抚。机翻
14.I was caressing her lovely hand with my lovely lips.
15.Naoko laid down her guitar and sat by Naoko, caressing her back.
16.The dean laid his hands back on the pyramid, almost caressing it.
院长把手放回金字塔, 几乎抚摸着它。机翻
17.There were the Blond Bobs caressing their freshly cut blond bobs.
18.He put his arms round her and with a murmur of caressing words kissed her fondly.
他用双臂搂住她, 低声说着爱抚的话, 深情地吻了她。机翻
19.Many have held the canvass: admiring, caressing, stroking, but now fear holding it.
20.' I kissed her hand, and she took him in her arms, and went away caressing him.