5.Categorical moral reasoning locates morality in certain absolute moral requirements, certain categorical duties and rights, regardless of the consequences.
16.I want to be categorical in assuring Guatemalans that law enforcement will pursue those responsible for the attack until they are arrested and brought to justice.
17.They might be a different shade from the last two colors but it's not meaningful for you to make that categorical distinction at this point in time.
18.You can do this by looking at your claim and cutting out categorical language. When I'm getting argumentative about pets, I might say, " Most dogs are friendly."
19.He outlined the list of rules for how to write well, which included a complete ban on fancy words like phenomenon, categorical, utilize, inexorable and veritable.
20." Kant formulates the moral law as a categorical imperative. By this he means that the moral law is 'categorical, ' or that it applies to all situations" .