The girl is of a confiding nature.
I'm so glad you're finally confiding in me.
I looked at him with a confiding smile.
" You do them a disservice by not confiding something this important to them."
Saying this will make the person feel bad for confiding in you in the first place.
But moved by attendant circumstances Knight was impelled to be confiding.
但被随之而来的情况所感动, 奈特不得不吐露心声。
'Will you oblige me by confiding it'?
Daisies, too, and ivesias, confiding wild children of light, too small to fear.
雏菊,还有艾维西亚斯, 倾诉着光之野性之子, 小到所畏惧。
They are not so wild and handsome, but they seem happy, confiding little things.
Her face softened briefly and she tilted her head, casting me a confiding look.
她的脸色短暂地柔和下来, 偏过头,向我投来一个的眼神。
She loved to sit there on the mountain-side with the confiding little goat by her.
她喜欢坐在山, 有那只倾诉心事的小山羊。
'Then it's just the time for confiding them to some one else, ' put in Shubin.
“那么现在正是向其他人倾诉的时候了, ” 舒宾插话道。
Too confiding a nature loses respect, frivolity brings contempt, and others take advantage of excessive enthusiasm.
过于坦白自然会失去尊重, 轻浮会带来轻蔑, 而过度热情则会被他人利用。
" Well, would you mind confiding to me the circumstances that gave rise to the reflection" ?
Rose also explained her reasons for not confiding in her friend Mr. Losberne in the first instance.
Yet Hester was hardly safe in confiding herself to that gusty tenderness; it passed, as suddenly as it came.
They might take you confiding your romantic troubles to them to mean that they have a say in your relationship, which they don't.
A recent study published this year showed that confiding reduces the number of times you think about that secret, resulting in a better well-being.
The letter went very soon, however, and was promptly answered, for Amy was homesick, and confessed it in the most delightfully confiding manner.
While people tend to view people they like as pleasant, love is marked by being devoted, possessive, and confiding in one another.
虽然人们倾向于认为他们喜欢的人是愉快的, 但爱的特点是忠诚、占有欲和相互倾诉。
'It is this event which has suggested to me that I should make my refusal a reason for confiding our situation to him'.
“正是这件事向我建议, 我应把我的拒绝作为向他倾诉我们的情况的理由” 。