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BBC 听力 2021年5月合集

1.The head of the French Armed Forces General Francois Lecointre said the officers could be delisted.


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经济学人 Finance and economics

2.In mid-August fears of impending financial turmoil grew when five Chinese state-owned companies voluntarily delisted from American exchanges.

8 月中旬,当五家中国国有企业自愿从美国交易所退市时,人们对即将发生的金融风暴的担忧加剧。机翻

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3.It's the kind of versatility that luxury customers desire, says chief executive Diego Della Valle, who recently delisted the group from the Milan Stock Exchange.

正如首席执行Diego Della Valle最近将集团从米兰证券交易所退市所说,这是奢侈品顾客所渴望的那种多功能性。


4." We are obligated to keep a pulse on the population for at least five years after the foxes are delisted, " says Boser.



5.Israel's minister for tourism warned that he would seek to impose a punitive tax on Airbnb's operations in the country, after the firm delisted properties located in Israeli settlements in the West Bank.


经济学人 Finance and economics

6.A law passed in America in 2020, the Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act, gave auditors three years to comply before their Chinese clients were forcibly delisted.

美国于 2020 年通过了一项法律,即《外国公司问责法》,要求审计师在其中国客户被强行除名前三年内遵守相关规定。机翻

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