2.The virtue of Greek tragedy is that it makes such disavowal more difficult by confronting us with a situation of grief-stricken rage and disorder.
希腊悲剧优点在于, 它使们面对悲痛欲绝愤怒和混乱, 从而使这种否认变得更加困难。机翻
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3.And I thought it matched quite, it was an interesting counterpoint to Trump's disavowal of Project 2025 when he said, I never heard of it, never read it.
4.Either way, a disavowal of Goncharov's Siberian chapters, or at least a disinclination to feature them for broad readership, appears to be a trend in the early twenty-first century.
5.Ambrosio suffered the most excruciating pangs that ever were invented by human cruelty: Yet so dreadful is Death when guilt accompanies it, that He had sufficient fortitude to persist in his disavowal.
6.There were numerous lottery booths with white wheels--Dick was startled when he inquired at the first and encountered blank disavowals. Evil-eyed, Nicole stood apart, denying the children, resenting them as part of a downright world she sought to make amorphous.