You'll also need two dowels, which are basically long, straight wooden sticks.
Well, I think you broke the dowels. You're not gonna have time to glue it back on, you'll have to nail it.
Now you can tape the dowels to the plastic.
They'd say, once again… also, I have a bunch of wooden dowels.
他们会再说一遍… … 还有,我有一堆钉。
Now tape the dowels together in the middle.
Use your ruler to draw a diamond around your dowels, like this.
On the curved apse roof, finished on January 12th, wooden dowel pegs hold the trusses together without a single industrial metal piece.
But so, I have a bunch of… they're… I think they're called hex wrenches, and then wooden dowels.
但是,我有一堆… … 它们… … 我想它们被称为六角扳手,然后是钉。
Poke two holes in the plastic along the dowel that goes across the kite lengthwise.
It's good to make sure the diamond is a little bit bigger than your dowels to make sure it fits.
They should be close to the corners, but not all the way at the end of the dowels.
Cut a smaller piece of string, about two times as long as one of the dowels.
Lay the dowels across the plastic in a cross shape, with one of the dowels a little higher so one half is longer than the other.
将钉以十字形穿过塑料,其中一根钉稍高一点, 因此一半比另一根长。
Exactly; I think if we accelerate these things… what if… here's the thing; what if IKEA's wooden dowels were hex dowels?
确切地;我想如果我们加速这些事情… … 如果… … 事情是这样的;如果宜家的钉是六角钉会怎么样?
Next, flip the kite over and thread one end of the string through one of the holes and tie it to the dowel, and do the same thing with the other end of the string and the other hole.
接下来,将风筝翻转过来, 将线的一端穿过其中一个孔并将其系在钉,然后对线的另一端和另一个孔执行相同的操作。