The experts agree with the old saying that you should never put anything smaller than your earbob elbow in your ear.
Pretty young Mrs. Hamilton, with her dimple and her jingling earbobs and her helpless little ways, blowing a man's face to a pulp and then burying him in a hastily scratched-out hole!
年纪轻轻的汉密尔顿,上漾着酒窝,戴着丁丁当当的耳附子,看起来似乎懦弱无能,却居然把一个男人的脸打得稀烂,然后赶忙刨了个坑把他了!思嘉狰狞地笑了笑,心想要是那些认识她的人知道了这件事,他们会吓成什么子埃" 我再也不去想这件事了," 她这。事情既然过去就完了。