11.June 29th 1988: Formally elevated to the Cardinalate, his Titular Church being the Church of the Blessed Virgin of Mount Carmel at Mostacciano (Rome).
12.As a result of PE therapy, the clinical symptoms eased up sooner, the icterus slacked up, albumin and cholinesterase elevated , PT resumed, alexin ...
13.The levetor veli palatini muscle elevates the soft palate, the muscle uvulae bunches the soft palate, and the tensor veli palatini tenses and shortens the palate.
14.The catchline - "Come to where the flavour is…come to Marlboro Country" - instantly brings to mind the brand that elevated the product to a completely different level.
15.Pip assumes, and Havisham allows him to believe, that she is his benefactress and that he is being elevated to a position that will make him worthy of Estella.