| 划词

1.Corona lobes elliptic, adnate to base of gynostegium.



2.Tendril unbranched or bifurcate. Inflorescence usually a polychasium. Seeds elliptic, obovoid-elliptic, or obtriangular, surface smooth, corrugated, or with strumose protuberance or ribs.



3.Seeds elliptic, base sharp, apex retuse, back chalazal knot zonate, with transverse and obtuse ribs, ventral holes furrowed from upper middle to apex.



4.With the concavity and integrability of sublinear terms near zero,the symmetry results for a class of sublinear elliptic equations are given by making use of the moving-plane method.



5.Abstract With the concavity and integrability of sublinear terms near zero,the symmetry results for a class of sublinear elliptic equations are given by making use of the moving-plane method.

5.摘 要 本文利用次线性项在零点附近的凹性和可积性,用移动平面法给出了一类次线性方程正解的对称性.



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60秒-科美国 2023年8月合集

1.That hand wrote a number of elliptic integrals.


「科60秒-科美国 2023年8月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正

2.Pay attention to the connection between elliptic curves and modular form.


经济 Science and technology

3.Isogeny-based elliptic curves, it was thought, would be.


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经济 Science and technology

4.One of these, called SIKE, is based on the mathematics of isogeny-based elliptic curves.

其中之一称为 SIKE,是于同源曲线的数机翻

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经济 Science and technology

5.Elliptic curves are already used in some cryptographic systems today, but are not considered quantum-safe.


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The Economist?A Lexicologist!

6.One of these, called Psyche, is based on the mathematics of isogeny-based elliptic curves.

其中一种称为 Psyche,它于等生性的曲线的数机翻

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7.No one knew exactly what inspired her elliptic comments, and her relations had long since given up trying to interpret them.


Visual Metaphors

8.We have argued that a verbal metaphor is like an elliptic syllogism with two missing terms: one premise and the conclusion.


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经济 Science and technology

9.NIST will also continue to evaluate a trio of other algorithms, reliant on neither lattices nor elliptic curves, as possible alternatives to ML-KEM.

NIST 还将继续估其他三种既不依赖于格也不依赖于曲线的算法,作为 ML-KEM 的可能替代方案。机翻

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The Economist?A Lexicologist!

10.NIST will also continue to evaluate a trio of other algorithms, reliant on neither lattices nor elliptic curves, as possible alternatives to MLChem.

NIST 还将继续估其他三种算法,这些算法既不依赖于晶格也不依赖于曲线,作为 MLChem 的可能替代方案。机翻

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The Economist?A Lexicologist!

11.Fortunately, Psyche was the only example of an isogeny-based elliptic curve cryptosystem under consideration by NIST, so this result did not imperil any other algorithms.

幸运的是,Psyche 是 NIST 正在考虑的于等生的曲线密码系统的唯一示例,因此这一结果没有危及任何其他算法。机翻

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Visual Metaphors

12.According to Danto a metaphor is like a particular type of syllogism – an elliptic one – where either one premise or the conclusion is omitted.


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13.Draper nearly always looked in on him for a moment before dinner: it was the hour most propitious to their elliptic interchange of words and silences.



14.A number one bigger than this was in the series expansion of a fundamental function in a totally different part of math, relevant to these things called modular forms and elliptic functions.


Visual Metaphors

15.Contrary to what Danto (1981) states, we believe that a metaphoricexpression is like an elliptic syllogism with two missing terms – not only one –, where a premise and the conclusion are omitted.

与 Danto (1981) 所说的相反,我们认为隐喻表达式就像一个三段,缺少两个项——不仅仅是一个——其中省略了前提和结机翻

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地心游记-The journey to the heart of the Earth

16.A mile farther we had to bow or heads under corniced elliptic arches in the romanesque style; and massive pillars standing out from the wall bent under the spring of the vault that rested heavily upon them.

再往前一英里, 我们不得不低头或头朝罗马式风格的飞檐圆形拱门下方。巨大的柱子从墙上伸出来, 在拱顶的弹簧下弯曲, 拱顶的弹簧重重地压在柱子上。机翻

「地心游记-The journey to the heart of the Earth」评价该例句:好评差评指正
Visual Metaphors

17.Comparing a metaphor to an elliptic syllogism, it appears that in a contextual visual metaphor we have three ellipses, or missing terms: (a) the target or the source; (b) the implicated message; (c) a missing premise that leads to the implicated message.

将隐喻与三段进行比较,在上下文视觉隐喻中,我们似乎有三个省略号或缺失的术语:(a) 目标或源;(b) 牵连的信息;(c) 导致所涉信息的前提缺失。机翻

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