He swore to love her for evermore.
Those who can find rides generally commute on buses and train carriages bursting with evermore passengers.
Yet this thy praise cannot be so thy praise to tie up envy evermore enlarged
An entire sixpence, he was sure, would mean affluence for evermore.
I have now to put it behind me, and be truthful for evermore, if I can'.
Pamvira's waiting, keen to gorge herself so we might be together, evermore, from dusk till dawn.
But masters has getten th' upper hand somehow; and I'm feared they'll keep it now and evermore.
但是主人不知何故占了上风; 我担心他会一直保留它。
Four sisters, parted for an hour, None lost, one only gone before, Made by love's immortal power, Nearest and dearest evermore.
四姐妹,分开一个小时, 没有一个丢失,一个只是从前离开, 由爱的不朽力量造就, 永远最亲近。
88 people whose desperation grew as a prospect of safe passage seemed evermore remote and the fear of Taliban reprisals ever nearer.
88 人的绝望情绪随着安全通道的前景而增长,似乎越来越遥远,而对塔利班报复的恐惧越来越近。
It increased evermore and even more and reminded us how much we do not know about space; frankly, how much we do not know about life.
它永远都增加甚至更多,而这也提醒我: 我对太空有多么的不了解,坦率地说我对生命也有多么地不了解。
That is why this laughter, the sobbing murmur of the beautiful Tulameen, will haunt for evermore the ear that has once listened to its song.
这就是为什么这笑声,美丽的 Tulameen 的啜泣声,将永远萦绕曾经听过它的歌声的耳朵里。
Artificial needs and desires are being foisted upon us and, because of the employment of evermore sophisticated techniques, we are beginning to believe that they are natural and immutable.
I sit on my chair in the dark room and close my eyes, and it is as if I was out of the body and could feel no want for evermore.