Small cubage and large filling capacity make rubber stopper difficult to drift when washing, one another extrude and attrite, bring badly rubber scurfs and bad washing.
The fernery starch soup was made with the fernery starch as its main ingredients, added soybean, sesame, sugar.It was produced by the process of extruding, blending and grinding, puffing.
The sight was familiar. I'd seen hundreds of shattered windshields in the junkyard, each one unique, with its particular spray of gossamer extruding from the point of impact, a chronicle of the collision.
The furniture was both plain and scanty; but there were one or two landscapes on the wall handsomely framed, as if they had already visited the committee-rooms of an exhibition and been thence extruded.
Cause the most pasta wheat in, in, in the U S even, probably even in Italy is just mass produced and it's not extruded through bronze dyes that, that leave those, that like nice textured pasta.
They don't actually extrude the garlic, they don't extrude the juice, they don't have like the right pressure, but this vintage zylus susie garlic press that my mom has had, mom how long have you had this for?