1.It, however, had thought,"With that money you can buy yourself a piece of zwieback," and had kept the farthings, hiding them in the cracks in the floor.
1.Nobody had bought anything of her the whole livelong day; no one had given her a single farthing.
2." Don't suppose she has any money. She hasn't a farthing."
3.No, said her father, Wickham's a fool, if he takes her with a farthing less than ten thousand pounds.
4.I shall want every farthing we have in the bank.
5.Nobody present had a farthing; but Mr. Trumbull had the gold-headed cane.
在场的人都没有一分钱。 但是特朗布尔先生拿着金手杖。机翻
6." I ought not in that case to have a farthing of your money" .
“在那种情况下, 我不应该得到你的一分钱” 。机翻
7.Not a copper farthing's worth of it!
8.Go back to your Jesus; he exacted the uttermost farthing, and you'd better do the same.
9." Newland—don't you care about Family? " " Not a brass farthing."
10.You see that bronze farthing there lying on your table.
11.Ginger and Pickles sold red spotty pocket-handkerchiefs at a penny three farthings.
Ginger and Pickles 以一便士三法士的价格出售带有红色斑点的手帕。机翻
12.There was something quite diabolical in not leaving him a farthing after all.
13.Two half-pence is all the same, and four farthings is received with joy.
14.I haven't got a copper farthing here, —unless Perrotet, who is behindhand with his rent, should pay up.
15.'Not a farthing more, ' was the firm reply of Mr. Limbkins.
“一分钱也没有, ” 林布金斯先生坚定地回答。机翻
16.And I find you up, wandering homeless, and picking farthings off dead women by the wayside!
我发现你,流浪无家可归, 在路边捡死女人的粪便!机翻
17.I have been playing at nine-pins, ' he answered, 'and have lost a couple of farthings'. '
“我一直在玩九瓶, ” 回答说,“输了几个法令” 。机翻
18.And I can't ask my father for the money: he would not give me a farthing.
19.She was a milkmaid, scribbling love-letters by the light of a farthing dip in an attic.
20.I earn two farthings for every love letter, and it is a trade by which I rather die than live.
每封情书我赚两法令, 这是一种我宁愿死也不愿活的交易。机翻