| 划词

1.A folio Dante served us as a table on which to eat merrily a centime's worth of chestnuts.




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BBC 阅读精选

1.Only a handful of those palm-leaf volumes and painted wooden folios survived the fire – carried away by fleeing monks.


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The Common Reader Volume 2

2.She raced through folios because she was forbidden to scamper on the grass.


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3.This poem was prefixed to the first folio of Shakespeare's plays, published in 1623.

这首诗的前缀是 1623 年出版的莎士比亚戏剧第一开本机翻


4.As they deciphered the maze of purple ink which covered the double folio menu, Bond beckoned to the sommelier.

当他们破译覆盖双对开菜单的紫色墨水迷宫时, 邦德向侍酒师招手。机翻


5.In answer Boris showed his sketching folio; then he would play her quadrilles, mazurkas, excerpts from opera, and finally his own improvisations.

作为回答,鲍里斯出示了他的速写 然后他会演奏的四重奏、马祖卡、歌剧选段, 最后是他自己的即兴创作。机翻


6.It was (I still have it before my eyes) a collection in folio, written in a good hand of last century.

那是(我眼前还保存着它)一本对开本 出自上世纪的一手好手。机翻


7.I glean a hint from a common policeman, and, with all my folios, I cannot so much as put it into execution.

我从一普通警察那里得到了一提示, 而且,由于我所有的作品 我连执行它都做不到。机翻


8.It was very bare of furniture: only some gold plate on a sideboard; some folios; and a stand of armour between the windows.



9.It poured itself out, higgledy-piggledy, in torrents of rhyme and prose, poetry and philosophy which stand congealed in quartos and folios that nobody ever reads.


The Common Reader Volume 1 26 Essays on Jane Austen, George Eliot, Conrad, Montaigne and Others

10.It is in libraries that are markedly private, secluded, shaded by lilac trees and brown with folios, that he still draws his faint, regular breath.


「The Common Reader Volume 1 26 Essays on Jane Austen, George Eliot, Conrad, Montaigne and Others」评价该例句:好评差评指正

11.We leave behind, shut up in their parks among their folios, those solitary great ladies who wrote without audience or criticism, for their own delight alone.

我们留下,他们的作品他们的公园里关闭那些孤独的伟大女士们没有观众或批评的情况下写作, 只为自己的乐趣。机翻


12.This catalogue consists of two volumes in folio, which were placed in his gallery, bound in red morocco, with his crest on and the edges gilded.

这本目录包括两册对开本他的画廊里, 用红色摩洛哥皮装订, 上面有他的徽章, 边缘镀金。机翻


13.He weighed the gold flagons in his hand, opened all the folios, and investigated the arms upon the shield, and the stuff with which the seats were lined.



14.The iPad Air has an improved USB-C port for faster file transfers, and accessories include the second-gen Apple Pencil, a keyboard folio, and Apple's Magic Keyboard with the trackpad built-in.

iPad Air 具有改进的 USB-C 端口, 可加快文件传输速度,配件包括第二代 Apple Pencil、键盘保护套和内置触控板的 Apple 妙控键盘。机翻


15.Now in its 9th edition, the book set off an avalanche of ideas from Chicago school economists, including Gary Becker, Ronald Coase and Milton Friedman, which passed into the folios of America's judges and lawyers.



16.The teaching on the Blessed Trinity and the Eucharist appears to have been so handed down for some hundred years; and when at length reduced to writing, it has filled many folios, yet has not been exhausted.


The People Profiles

17.The famed first folio of Shakespeare's plays was  published in 1623. Although 19 of his works had been published in various forms during his  lifetime, this brought 36 plays attributed to Shakespeare into print in one volume.

著名的莎士比亚戏剧第一开本于 1623 年出版。尽管他一生以各种形式出版了 19 部作品,但这使得莎士比亚的 36 部戏剧被印刷成一卷。机翻

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18.There were many older ones also in bindings of calf and pigskin, treasure from half the bookshops in Europe; and there were huge folios like Prussian grenadiers; and tiny Elzevirs, which had been read by patrician ladies in Venice.

还有许多旧书也是小牛皮和猪皮装订的,是半数欧洲书店的珍品;还有像普鲁士掷弹兵一样的巨大对开本;和小的 Elzevirs,威尼斯的贵族女士们都读过。机翻


19.All the books visible here were folios too big to be stolen—some lying on a heavy oak table in one corner, some on the floor among the pictures, the whole intermingled with old coats, hats, umbrellas, and walking-sticks.


The Common Reader Volume 2

20.Thus when we come to the last page that Sidney wrote before he gave up the hopeless attempt to finish the Arcadia, we pause for a moment before we return the folio to its place on the bottom shelf.


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