Via spot perambulate, extraction convict footmark.
Bow , Ya-Tou, and the 3 puppies will sigillate their footmark on the marriage lines to witness the wedding.
They appear to be much as other footmarks.
Instead of theropod footmarks, they found those of crocodilians.
His footmarks had pressed right through the snow, so long had he stood there.
" There's fresh footmarks outside. Men with boots on" .
“外面有新的脚印。穿靴子的人” 。
" But there were no footmarks in the flower bed underneath" .
There were no signs of violence, no footmarks, no robbery, no record of strangers having been seen upon the roads.
M. Bex says that they are the footmarks of the gardener.
" What I meant was that now you will give up your interest in these footmarks" .
" You are going to ask him for one of his boots to compare with the footmarks" ?
“你要向他要一只靴子跟脚印比一比” ?
You can just recognize the centre footmarks as those of M. Renauld, but those on either side have been carefully obliterated.
你可以认出中间的脚印是雷诺先生的脚印, 但两边的脚印都被小心地抹掉了。
" All the footmarks in the bed were made by the same boot, " I said at length after a careful study.
It looked as though some person had been walking all over the garden in a pair of clogs—only the footmarks were too ridiculously little!
They left a great many odd little footmarks all over the bed, especially little Benjamin, who was wearing clogs.
I am still in the dark, but, as I hinted just now to M. Bex, these footmarks are the most important and interesting things in the case!
我仍然在黑暗中, 但是,正如我刚才向贝克斯先生暗示的样, 这些脚印是案件中最重要和最有趣的事情!
But there were signs that this window had been recently open; the cobwebs were disturbed, and there were fresh dirty footmarks upon the window-sill.
但有迹象表明, 这扇窗最近才打开; 蜘蛛网被扰乱了, 窗台有新的脏脚印。
I advised him to send for his immediate superior, and for a doctor; also to allow nothing to be moved, and as few fresh footmarks as possible to be made, until they came.
我劝他去请他的直属司和医生。 也不要让任何东西移动, 并尽可能少地留下新的脚印, 直到他们到来。