Today,Rona produces world championship nonlead glassware,by its modern scientific technology,scientific management,strict quality detection and professional design group.
There is a new and thriving market for " luxury" goods, often bought on credit, naturally, with the manufacturers of glassware, china, jewellery and leather-bound books promoting their products and the associated " lifestyle" all over the place.
And from the west to the east, goods such as horses, saddles, and riding tack, domestic, and exotic animals such as dogs, grapes, honey, fruit, glassware, animal skins, and furs, textiles, slaves, camels, weapons, and armor were traded.
She glanced at me, her mouth a thin line of suppressed rage, as if I had engineered this travesty of the domestic hierarchy, then disappeared to the dining room from where we could hear the emphatic clattering of cutlery and glassware.
她瞥了我一眼, 嘴角勾起一丝压抑的怒火,就好像我策划了这场对家庭等级制度的嘲弄,然后消失在餐厅里, 我们可以听到餐具和玻璃器皿发出的响亮的碰撞声。