" Can you get off—yeow-ow-oh-oh-oh God! —" Anthony yawned insufferably and the contents of his brain seemed to fall together in a dense hash.
“你能不能走开——哎哟——哦——哦——天哪! ——” 不耐烦地打个哈欠, 他脑子里的西似乎乱成一团。
He int-t——'" He broke off, paused a moment, and began again, very slowly and drawling insufferably, but no longer stammering: " 'He intends to visit Tuscany during the coming month on a mission of reconciliation.
他 int-t——’”他停, 停顿片刻, 然后又开始, 非常缓慢,拖着令人难以忍受的拖腔,但不再结结巴巴:“‘他打算在接的一个月里访问托斯卡纳, 执行和解任务。