8.The inwardness not only formed physical matter then, but formed new dimensions of inwardness itself, new dynamics from which consciousness could originate.
11.They, the possibilities inherent in inwardness, collect magnetically, so to speak, about other like possibilities, setting up coherent fields of like attractions.
12.And then within this same physical universe, the inwardness was not content to find expression through but one form only, but in multitudinous forms and degrees.
14.It is from the inwardness then, operating through its forms, that all innovations come, and from which the most seemingly unexpected developments can be expected.
15.Reality means consciousness, and through the very physical apparatus developed by inwardness, which was aware from the beginning, further embellishments became possible for consciousness itself.
17.He is now more able to deal with this, and you are much better equipped now to grapple with the inwardness, so that you have both helped each other immensely in this way.
18.As the dream does not begin then at any particular moment, neither did your physical universe begin at any given moment, and neither did the inwardness become born in terms of cause and effect.
19.In your paintings, Joseph, you attempt to show the inwardness behind the completed physical construction, to hint at the endless nature of the inwardness which is imprisoned briefly in the outwardness.
20.I would like to speak this evening further along the lines of camouflage. Matter is as you know camouflage, the outwardness of energy. The outwardness is formed through the inwardness, not the other way around.