1.She employed an irreverent humor to salt her observation.
2.It’s irreverent for a man not to take his hat off in church.
1.I therefore decided that I would be a grade-one thinker. I was irreverent at the best of times.
2.That would simply be trying to coerce God, and would be foolish and useless, as well as irreverent.
3.But it were irreverent to describe that revelation.
4.'Worm, how often have I corrected you for irreverent speaking'?
5.The hosts' intelligent, irreverent analysis makes you laugh as you learn.
6.He was sort of irreverent, really open-minded, but also very rigorous.
他有点敬, 思想非常开放, 但也非常严谨。机翻
7.He was in the, the very, the sardonically irreverent Divick Smivick.
他就那个非常讽刺、无礼的 Divick Smivick。机翻
8.It would be most unsuitable—almost irreverent.
9.She's depicted as an irreverent rebel with ties to the artistic community.
10.We decided to be irreverent to this idea that only lawyers can impact the courts.
11." No, I will not, " answered Rose bluntly, much displeased by the irreverent and audacious question.
12.Like the irreverent Elizabeth Bennet of Pride and Prejudice, whose devotion to her sisters' love lives blinds her to a clumsy suitor.
13.By calling them irreverently British, he suggests that being irreverent is quite typically British! Now, Rob, you're quite typically British but are you irreverent?
他说的" irreverently British" 的意思" 非正式但典型英式的" !罗伯,你典型英式的,但你具有调侃性吗?
14.] Mr. Fang was consequently not a little indignant to see an unbidden guest enter in such irreverent disorder.
】 看到一个请自来的客人胡乱闯进来,方先生由有些气愤。机翻
15." Steve was very irreverent toward the guys from Morgan Stanley, which was a pretty uptight firm in those days, " recalled Bill Hambrecht.
16.But I enjoyed its kind of irreverent approach to, you know, certainly the personal side of of Napoleon's life and Josephine.
但喜欢这种敬的方式,你知道, 当然拿破仑生活和约瑟芬的个人方面。机翻
17.But the well-meant joke seemed irreverent and utterly failed, as if only prayerful terror could rightly belong to the wild beauty-making business.
18.You can be happy without play but I really don't know that you can have that giddy silly irreverent sense of joy.
19.This was actually one of the more challenging experiences I've had because I set out to make a very rated R, irreverent comedy.
20.The Lord's anger burned against Uzzah because of his irreverent act; therefore God struck him down, and he died there beside the ark of God.
神耶和华向乌撒发怒,因这错误击杀他,他就死在 神的约柜旁。