There were neat piles of kindling wood against the wall.
By using thermobalance and coal comprehensive test instrument,the coal ignition information of both the kindling point and the burning time were studied.
The hunt begins by kindling fire.
And so, let's face it, that's just kindling.
" Failure to reach that population means they become kindling wood to the racial resentment messages, " says Morrison.
We can help by thinning forests, by removing the underbrush that can act as kindling for fires to start.
" Tired" ! she retorted, kindling at once.
“疲劳的” ! 她反驳道,一下子火了起来。
The notes became kindling for the fire.
Pile loosely in the center and top with kindling.
" Say" ! answered Mrs. Poyser, with dangerous fire kindling in her eye.
“说” ! 波伊瑟夫人回答, 眼中燃烧着危险的火焰。
As the kindling catches, gradually add more.
随着火的捕获, 逐渐添加更多。
He supposed they were the dehydrated bodies Follower spoke of earlier as potential kindling.
他猜想是 Follower 之前所说的潜在引火物的脱水尸体。
When he returned he brought with him a scuttle of coal and some kindling.
当他回来时, 他带来了一斗煤和一引火物。
'Oh—I see! ' said the smith, kindling with a chastened interest, and drawing close.
'我懂了! '铁匠说着, 燃起了强烈的兴趣, 走近了。
If that kindling's wet, you're gonna need a lot more tinder.
如果那根火是湿的, 你需要更多的火。
I am sensible of no light kindling—no life quickening—no voice counselling or cheering.
" But listen closely. Not one cent for the store and not one cent for that kindling factory of yours" .
And so, you know, let's face it, that's just kindling.
所以 我得正视这个问题 那个太容易着火了。
We're borrowing it. Is this kindling?
我借用一下 这能点火吗?
I'm going to chop it into kindling and put a big vibrating chair right there.
我要把劈了做柴火, 再在那放把按摩椅。
There he was in bed with most of a kindling axe in the back of his head.
他躺在床上, 脑后几乎顶着一把引火斧。
He crushed some sheets of newspaper lying on the hearth and picked up a few sticks of kindling.
” 他压碎了放在壁炉边的几张报纸, 捡起几根引火柴。