1.I was given the option when I was a page boy once of either wearing a suit or wearing knickerbockers and long socks and ballet shoes - and I chose the ballet shoes and knickerbockers.
9.He was dressed in a brown velvet jacket and knickerbockers, with brown stockings, buckled shoes and a blue shirt-waist that had frills down its front.
10.The Astors, the Goelets, the Rhinelanders, the Beekmans, the Brevoorts, and practically all the mighty families that ruled the old Knickerbocker aristocracy in New York were huge land proprietors.
11.And there emerged from the inner room a trim, lithe, almost boyishly slim figure attired in a bewitchingly skittish-looking garment consisting of knickerbockers and snug brassiere of king's blue satin messaline.
12." Ah, how this brings it all back to me—I see everybody here in knickerbockers and pantalettes, " she said, with her trailing slightly foreign accent, her eyes returning to his face.
13.The New York Palace Hotel, which held the Strager Foundation Gala, was so grand it was almost comical: a fairytale fortress, with a courtyard and arched windows, it was dotted with liveried footmen in daffodil silk knickerbockers.
— 举办 Strager Foundation Gala 的纽约皇宫酒店盛大得几乎滑稽:一座童话般的堡垒,带有庭院和拱形窗户,点缀着穿着水仙花色丝绸灯笼裤的制服男仆。机翻