While there are things that you shouldn't see, there are some things that can be lawfully considered — making it a valuable source of relevant information too.
Congress, he thought, might lawfully build highways of a national and military value, but he strongly deprecated attacks by local interests on the federal treasury.
But the idea that the desire for security could trump a lawfully obtained search warrant to find out whether we're at risk of other people who conspired with the San Bernardino shooters right now strikes me as odd.
" Lawfully" means legally and " wedded wife" is kind of – just wife would be good enough but the expression is a " wedded wife." And the man says, " I do." And of course, the woman is asked the same question.
I forgot her name – Maria – " Maria, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband? " And she says, " I do." And then they kiss and it's all happy, at least for the first couple of days.