| 划词

1.In the corridor a liveried servant bowed and opened the door for him.

走廊里,一个制服的仆人鞠躬, 为他打开了门。机翻


2.M. Valenod gave a look to one of his liveried servants who disappeared and soon there was no more singing to be heard.

M. Valenod 看了他的一个着制服的仆人一眼,他的仆人消失了,很快就再也听不到歌声了。机翻


3.Another hansom had just driven away, and Brackenbury could see a gentleman being admitted at the front door and received by several liveried servants.



4.As Griphook had already warned them, the liveried goblins who usually flanked the entrance had been replaced by two wizards, both of whom were clutching long thin golden rods.

正如拉环事先警告的那守在入口处两侧的制服 的妖精们被两取代了,他们每人手中都攥着细长的金棒。


5.At last, liveried in the costume of the age, reality entered the room in the shape of a servant to tell the duchess that her carriage was waiting.



6.On the silken sleeve of his liveried waistcoat, which chief detective Dudouis found in his garret between the mattresses of his bed, several spots of blood were discovered.

在他的制服背心的丝质袖子上, 首席侦探杜杜伊斯在他床铺床垫之间的阁楼里发现了这件衣服, 发现了几处血迹。机翻

依然是我 | Still Me (Me Before You #3)

7.The New York Palace Hotel, which held the Strager Foundation Gala, was so grand it was almost comical: a fairytale fortress, with a courtyard and arched windows, it was dotted with liveried footmen in daffodil silk knickerbockers.

— 举办 Strager Foundation Gala 的纽约皇宫酒店盛大得几乎滑稽:一座童话般的堡垒,带有庭院和拱形窗户,点缀着着水仙花色丝绸灯笼裤的制服男仆。机翻

「依然是我 | Still Me (Me Before You #3)」评价该例句:好评差评指正
依然是我 | Still Me (Me Before You #3)

8.I turned into Madison Avenue, past huge glass-fronted luxury stores with their doors locked and, dotted between them, the occasional restaurant, windows darkened like closed eyes, or a gilded hotel whose liveried doorman didn't look at me as I passed.

我转入麦迪逊大道, 经过门锁着的巨大的玻璃幕墙奢侈品商店,在它们之间点缀着偶尔出现的餐厅, 窗户变暗像闭上的眼睛,或者一家镀金的酒店, 当我经过时, 制服的门卫没有看我。机翻

「依然是我 | Still Me (Me Before You #3)」评价该例句:好评差评指正

9.For it is a solid, heavy, handsome door, and must once have been in the habit of shutting with a sonorous bang behind a liveried lackey, who had just seen his master and mistress off the grounds in a carriage and pair.




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