1.The diffuse infiltration with relative homogenous lymphoid population and lack of geminal center make the "chronic follicular cervicitis" less likely.
10.These X4 strains kind of lay low in the lymphoid tissues, and steadily destroy of CD4 T cells, since about 90% of T cells are found in lymphoid tissue.
11.Lymphoid organs remove foreign material from the lymph to keep it from entering the bloodstream, and act as lookout points for the body's immune defenses.
13.Another lymphoid organ is the spleen, which is about the size of a fist, and sits on the left side of the body below the diaphragm and on top of the stomach.
14.B cells and NK cells complete their development where they started - in the bone marrow, whereas some lymphoid progenitor cells migrate to the thymus where they develop into T cells.
15.Some lymphoid organs are in the form of diffuse lymphoid tissue, where they are just a loose arrangement of lymphoid cells and protein, this is typical in the lining of the gastrointestinal and respiratory tract.