16.Last December scientists announced the probable extinction of the first mammal because of climate change: the white lemuroid possum, now gone from Queensland, Australia.
17.The north of zhungeer is the main district of Central Asia desert mammal population and the mammal in Altai is north subfrigid zone coniferous forest pattern.
18.Eusocial colonies are common among insects such as bees and ants, but the only examples in the mammal world are among furry and the naked mole rats.
19.Schistosome infected people or other mammals from the discharge of faecal egg, if manure contaminated the water, eggs were brought into the water, hatched miracidium in the water.
20.LDH-C4 is specific to mature testes and spermtozoa of bird and mammal.It is related to metabolic processes that provide energy for motility and survival of spermtozoa.LDH-C4 is an autoantigen.