| 划词

Either glyme, diglyme, nitromethane, or other suitable solvents of similar polarity may be used as the solvent component.



Either glyme, diglyme, nitromethane, or other suitable solvents of similar polarity may be used as the solvent component.




half-pint, half-plane, half-plate, half-power, half-price, half-principal, half-race, half-reaction, half-retinal, half-round, half-sample, half-section, half-session, half-shadow, half-shrub, half-sib, half-siding, half-sinusoid, half-sister, half-size, half-slip, half-soiling, half-sole, half-space, half-speed, half-stuff, half-subtracter, halfsweeps, half-tap, half-term, half-thread, halftide, half-timber, half-timbered, halftime, half-time, half-timer, half-title, halftone, half-tone, half-track, half-tracked, half-truth, half-uncials, halfvolley, half-volley, half-wave, half-wavelength, halfway, halfway path, halfwidth, half-width, half-window, half-wit, half-witted, half-wool, halfword, halfy, half-yearly, halibut, halic, Halichondrida, halicole, Halictidae, halid, halide, halides, halidom, halidome, halieutic, halieutics, Halifax, Haligonian, halilith, halimasch, Halimeda, Halina, halinecline, haliotis, haliotremasis, haliplankton, Haliplidae, halistas, halisteretic, halite, Halitheriinae, halitosis, halitoxin, halitus, Haliver, haliverol, hall, Hall of Fame, hall of residence, hallachrome, hallage, hallah, hallal, hallali, Hallam, hallbedroom, hallcist, Halle, Halleck, hallel, halleluja, hallelujah, Haller, hallerite, halles, Halley, Hall-flowmeter, Hallian, halliard, Halliday, hallimondite, halling, hallman, hallmark, hall-mark, hallo, halloa, halloo, hallow, hallowed, Halloween, Hallowe'en, hallowmas, halloysite, Halls, Hallstadt, Hallstadtan, hallstand, Hallstatt, Hallstattian, halluces, hallucinant, hallucinate, hallucination, hallucinative, hallucinatory, hallucinogen, hallucinogenesis, hallucinogenic, hallucinosis, hallux, hallway, hallways, halm, halma, Halmahera, Halman, Halmfliege, Halmstad, halmyrolysis, halo, halo-, haloalkane, haloalkylation, halo-anhydrite, halobacteria, Halobacteriaceae, Halobacterium, halobiont, halobios, halobiotic, halocarbon, halochromism, halochromy, halocline, halococci, halocyanophytes, Halocypridacea, halodermia, halodrymium, haloduric, haloeremion, haloes, halofenate, Haloflex, haloform, halogen, halogenate, halogenation, halogenide, halogeno-benzene, halogenohydrin, halogenoid, halogenosulfanes, halogenous, halogens, halogeton, halohydrin, halohydrocarbon, haloid, haloing, halokainite, halokinesis, halolite, halometallate, halometer, halomethane, halomethylation, halomicin, Halomine, halomorphic, halomorphism, halon, halopelite, haloperidol, Halophila, halophile, halophilic, halophilism, halophilous, halophily, halophobe, halophobes, halophyte, halophytic, haloplankton, halopolymer, haloprogin, halosaline, halosere, halostachine, halosteresis, halo-sylvite, halothane, halotrichine, halotrichite, Halquinol, HALS, halt, halted, halter, halterbreak, haltere, halterneck, halting, Halts, halurgite, halutz, halva, halvah, halvans, halve, halved, halver, halves, Halvic, halving, halyard, ham, ham sandwich, Hama, hamabiosis, hamada, Hamadan, hamadryad, hamadryas, Hamah, hamal, hamam, Hamamatsu, Hamamelidaceae, hamamelidaceous, hamamelin, hamamelis, hamamelose, Haman, hamantasch, hamarthritis, hamartia, hamartite, hamartoblastoma, hamartoma, hamartomatosis, hamartomatous, hamartophobia, hamartoplasia, Hamas, hamate, Hamath, hamathecium, hamaul, hambone, Hamburg, hamburger, hamburger steak, HAMD, hame, hamel, Hamelin, Hamer, hames, hametz, hamfatter, hamfist, hamfisted, ham-fisted, ham-fistedly, hamfooted, hamhanded, ham-handed, Hamhung, Hamilton, Hamiltonian, Hamiltonianism, hamipneustic, hamisyncope, Hamite, Hamitic, Hamiticize, Hamito-Semitic, hamlet, Hamlin, hammada, hammal, hammam, hammarite, Hammarskjold, hammer, hammer and sickle, hammer out, hammer throw, hammer-apparatus, hammer-axe, hammer-beam, hammerblow, hammercloth, hammered, hammerer, Hammerfest, hammerfish, hammer-harden, hammerhead, hammerheaded, hammering, hammerless, hammerlock, hammerman, hammermill, hammer-milling, hammernose, hammer-nose, hammers, hammer-shears, hammersmith, hammerthrow,


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