1.Laozi's thoughts involve cosmism, ontology, philosophy and political science."Tao", as the core of Laozi's thoughts, has cosmogenetic and ontological meanings.
2.This transcendence is in his view the ground of ethics, of a fundamental and indeclinable responsibility for the Other person that precedes every ontology.
3.A platonistic ontology of this sort is, from the point of view of a strictly physicalistic conceptual scheme, as much a myth as that physicalistic conceptual scheme itself is for phenomenalism.
2.But if subtleties and sophisms composed the greater part of the metaphysics or pneumatics of the schools, they composed the whole of this cobweb science of ontology, which was likewise sometimes called metaphysics.
3.This reduces philosophy to the act of violence, what she calls " using the stick." 1 Rather, what is being offered by Gorgias in his undermining of any and all ontologies is a logology.
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4.This was Heidegger's ontology, in which anxiety is not a token of our solitude, but instead signifies our pre-existing, internal connection to the nothing; a sort of umbilical cord tied directly to the source of all creation.
5.In his magnus opus Being and Time, Heidegger carries out his fundamental ontology by introducing the notion of 'Dasein', or 'being-there'; the distinctive mode of Being particular to humans, the beings for whom being matters.