7.Sign up quickly because the next Keysight Live event is May 16th, and by attending this live stream you'll be entered to win an oscilloscope in their test gear giveaway.
请尽快报名, 因为下次 Keysight Live 活动将于 5 月 16 日举行,通过参加本次直播, 您将有机会赢得他们赠送测试设备波器。机翻
8.A hardware debugging tool that allows you to view the voltage on one or more electrical lines. For example, you might use an oscilloscope to determine if a particular interrupt is currently asserted.
9.In fact, the only way we were able to reverse engineer this keyboard was with an oscilloscope just like this one, where we could easily see the cycling of OFF pulses whenever a key is pressed.
事实上, 我们能够对该键盘进行逆向工程唯方法是使用像这样波器,我们可以轻松地看到按下按键时 OFF 脉冲循环。机翻