| 划词
Red White & Royal blue

" Pez, like the sweets, " Pez says cheerfully, extending his hand to Alex.

“佩兹,就像糖果样, ” 佩兹高兴地说, 并向亚历克斯伸出了手。

Red White & Royal blue

Pez has been trying to play telephone between the respective camps, but it's only so effective.

佩斯直试图在各自阵营之间打电话, 但收效甚微。

Red White & Royal blue

Pez turns the camera to catch Henry in a half smile. " Llwynywermod."

佩兹转动镜头,捕捉到亨利似的样子。 “Llwynywermod。”

Red White & Royal blue

" I was hopingyou two would start talking dirty, " Pez says. " Please, do go on."

“我希望你能开始说脏话,”佩兹说。 “请继续吧。”

Red White & Royal blue

Pez frees himself by licking Henry's palm and continues talking.

佩兹舔了舔亨利的手掌, 挣脱了束缚, 继续说话。

Red White & Royal blue

Pez seems to have been in on the secret all along.


Red White & Royal blue

" Alexander, babes, " Pez says when he picks up.

“亚历山大, 宝贝,” 佩兹接起电话时说道。

Red White & Royal blue

" We are out for a drive, taking in the scenery of Carmarthenshire, " Pez tells him.

“我开车出去兜风, 欣赏卡马森郡的风景, ” 佩兹告诉他。

Red White & Royal blue

Pez says he's going to get us all matching embroidered kimonos.


Red White & Royal blue

" Pez, " comes the sound of Henry's voice, and a hand with a signet ring on the smallest finger covers Pez's mouth.

“佩兹,” 亨利的声音传来,只小手指上戴着图章戒指的手捂住了佩兹的嘴。

Red White & Royal blue

" I can take it for you, " Pez interjects, turning the camera back to himself. " I'm aces with money."

“我可以帮你拍,”佩兹插话道,同时把镜头转向自己。 “我是有钱的王牌。”

Red White & Royal blue

He tries asking Pez, shouting Henry's name at him over the noise, but Pez just smiles and shrugs and steals a snapback off a passing yacht kid.

他试图询问佩兹, 在噪音中向他喊亨利的名字,但佩兹只是微着耸耸肩, 路过的游艇小孩那里偷了把后背。

Red White & Royal blue

Pez is practically on top of the table now, pounding the back of the booth with one hand and helping June up onto a chair with the other.

佩兹现在几乎就在桌子上面,只手敲打着展位的背面, 另只手帮助琼坐到椅子上。

Red White & Royal blue

He sees June and Nora, hands clasped together, and Pez on the grass between them, and Bea, digging pink fingertips into the wet soil.

他看到琼和诺拉, 双手紧握在起,佩斯在他之间的草地上,还有贝亚,在潮湿的土壤中挖着粉红色的指尖。


I gave him a Pez dispenser of himself and the first thing he came out with was " I've always wanted to be a be a Pez! " .

我给了他他自己的 Pez 分配器,他出来的第件事就是“我直想成为 Pez!”。

Red White & Royal blue

Bea, perpetually the lone sober voice of the group, picks one of the suites at random and deposits June and Nora in the king-size bed and Pez in the empty bathtub.

比亚永远是这群人中唯清醒的声音,她随机挑选间套房, 把琼和诺拉放在特大号床上, 把佩兹放在空浴缸里。

Red White & Royal blue

Pez has, as promised, six matching silk kimonos waiting in the limo, each one embroidered across the back with a different riff on a name from a movie.

正如所承诺的, 佩兹在豪华轿车里准备了六套相配的丝绸和服,每件的背后都绣着不同的电影名字。

Red White & Royal blue

Bea is absolutely beside herself, tears streaming down her face, and Pez is actually on top of the table now, June dancing beside him, and a bright fuschia smear of lipstick in his platinum hair.

比亚完全疯了, 泪水脸上流下来,而佩兹现在实际上已经坐在桌子上,琼在他旁边跳舞, 他的白金头发上涂着明亮的紫红色口红。

Red White & Royal blue

That night after Wimbledon from a week ago feels like something out of a dream now, all the more tantalizing because Henry is in New York for a few days with Pez to do paperwork for an LGBT youth shelter in Brooklyn.

周前温布尔登网球公开赛结束后的那晚上, 现在感觉像是场梦,更令人着迷的是, 亨利和佩兹在纽约待了几天, 为布鲁克林的 LGBT 青少年庇护所做文书工作。

Red White & Royal blue

Pez gets up and launches into " So Emotional" by Whitney Houston in a shockingly flawless falsetto that has the whole club on their feet in a matter of moments, shouting their approval as he belts out the glory notes.

佩兹站起来, 用令人震惊的完美假声唱起惠特尼·休斯顿的《So Emotional》, 整俱乐部立刻就站了起来,在他高声唱出荣耀的音符时大声喊出他的认可。



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