Traditional subjects of portraiture were often nobility or religious figures.
传统肖像主题 往往是贵族或宗教人物。
Portraiture or figurative art has no place in the official documents of such a state.
Absolutely, both in terms of portraiture and also theater and of course fashion.
When you think about portraiture, you tend to think about stuff like this.
当提到肖像画时 你可能会想到这样东西。
And so portraiture was obviously important here, denoting the king as an individual and historic figure.
Along with Spanish colonial portraiture, their subjects often have blank expressions and are in a stiff artificial pose.
So the artists were very much trying to elevate the status of portraiture and their own status as artists.
He had a real warts-and-all portrait-very thin and scraggy, and bald, and very austere, very much in the manner of traditional Roman portraiture.
Portraiture is about the resistance of death.
- 肖像画是关于死亡反抗。
The portraiture remains unchanged, yet its shape has morphed.
Portraiture broke free from the technology and aesthetics of painting.
A great example of that, that vision in portraiture, is Cecilia Beaux.
Cecilia Beaux 就是一个很好例子, 即肖像画中视觉。
There is the same vigorous portraiture, the same ease and fullness of handling, as in the Kreutzer Sonata.
Kreutzer 奏鸣曲一样,有同样充满活力肖像画,同样轻松和丰满。
Professor : All right, let’s continue our discussion of portrait artists(portraitist) and portraiture.
教授:好吧, 让我们继续讨论肖像画家(portraitist)和肖像画。
So much of the great 18th and 19th century portraiture, we see people who have absolute autonomy.
在 18 和 19 世纪许多伟大肖像画中,我们看到了拥有绝对自主权人。
From the opulent court portraiture of Jacobean artist, William Larkin, to the glamorous portrait of Daisy Leiter by John Singer Sargent.
从詹姆士一世时期艺术家威廉·拉金 (William Larkin) 华丽宫廷肖像画,到约翰·辛格·萨金特 (John Singer Sargent) 创作黛西·莱特 (Daisy Leiter) 迷人肖像画。
But with women, we work a lot with masks and with three-dimensional portraiture, because the fans of the female artist crave her face.
但对于女性, 我们经常使用面具和三维肖像画,因为女艺术家粉丝渴望她脸。
But she's mostly known for her outstanding portraiture, through which she explored a wide range of subjects and ideas, and very often, her own image in life.
但她最出名是她出色肖像画,通过这些肖像画, 她探索了广泛主题和想法,而且经常探索她自己生活形象。