14.The main causes of dystocia of vertex presentation were occiput malpresentation, macrosomic infant, uterine atony, abnormal pelvic and genital tract.
17.These tumors, to date, have occurred over a wide age range in postpubertal females, are characteristically unilateral, and confined to the ovary at presentation.
18.It is an unusual clinical presentation of speckled lentiginous nevus which must be differentiated from benign pigmented lesions due to a potential for malignant changes.
19.In this case, the discussant correctly focused on ruling out an infectious cause for this acute, multisystem presentation of a disease in an otherwise healthy young man.
20.In vitro antigen presentation assays, in vivo administration of the bromodeoxyuridine coupled to flow cytometry assays assessed intra-islet T cell activation in the absence or presence of B cells.