I sold them that house. You know, this is my turf! Who do you work for? Geist realty? Ah, westside properties.
那套子是我卖给他们的。你要知道,这里是我的盘。你为谁?Geist 产公司?啊,Westside 产公司。
Ready money, real estate and realty belonged to him as reason was.
Around 5,000 pre-owned homes were sold over the past week in Beijing, nearly half of August's total, according to realty agency Centaline Property.
据产介产数据,过去一周,北京共售出约 5000 套二手,几乎是 8 月份总数的一半。
No need realty. Don't take the trouble. I always take pills with me when I am traveling. Can I have a glass of hot water?
According to realty market analysis provider China Index Holdings, Beijing witnessed a 16.9 percent weekly increase in new home sales area to 103,000 square meters last week.
产市场分析公司指控股数据显示,北京上周新销售 10.3 万㎡,环比增长 16.9%。