5.As carmakers electrify, computerise and refashion their supply chains for the new reality, the giant sector is undergoing the greatest transformation in decades.
6.Mattel refashioned the doll into a decent, all-American - although with an exaggerated breast size - version and named it after Barbara, who was then a teenager.
7.Do you think it's an attempt to refashion this Republican Party as it is now into something that is less conspiracy-oriented, more constitutional and fact-based?
8.That in a more general way, talking to Terry when he had his sights set on Fred might have refashioned Michelle's memories, retrofit them around the idea of his guilt.
9.Then, of course, I might refashion life and character entirely after my own liking; I might select the most unexceptionable type of clergyman and put my own admirable opinions into his mouth on all occasions.