1.Therefor, it must accelerate the reform and innovative step in electric industries, dispel impeditive eleiments, and stimulate it to robustly and quickly develop.
5." So that Peverell bloke who's buried in Godric's Hollow, " he said hastily, trying to sound robustly sane, " you don't know anything about him, then? "
6.Validation and verification means that the numbers are genuine and meaningful and are validated and verified by an accredited body that has the integrity to do that job robustly.
7.When the authors tested out prospective configuration in artificial neural networks they found that they learned in a much more human-like way—more robustly and with less training—than models trained with backprop.
8.But my interests have always been sort of beyond that in terms of, how do some economies turn out to be so robustly prosperous and others really struggle to get there?