| 划词

1.Secondly the two kinds of contradictive perversion of narcissism-- sadism and masochism, work together in him.




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1.Win was transferred to China, where their relationship eventually broke down, because of Win's alcoholism and sadism.



2.Ernest may not have shared Win's alcoholism nor sadism, but also, this second marriage was a platonic relationship.


How to Read a Book

3.Again, almost everyone has some unconscious sadism and masochism in his makeup.


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4.The ers are quiet men without animosity or sadism.

读者是安静的人, 没有敌意或机翻


5.They said paperbacks weren’t just for “sex, sadism and the smoking gun.”


Our Inner Conflicts(Linden West Honey, Karen)

6.This statement might seem to contradict the assumption that sadism is an outgrowth of hopelessness.


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7.Lately LulzSec has changed tack, branding itself a champion of the oppressed, perhaps to shake off accusations of political indifference and sadism.



8.It was an absurd sham, an entire nation mobilized to soothe one man's fragile ego, yet behind the spectacle lay nothing, but violence and sadism.


Our Inner Conflicts(Linden West Honey, Karen)

9.It is left pretty much to individual intuition to determine what may rightly be called sadism and what may not—a situation hardly conducive to sound observation.

这几乎完全依赖于个人直觉来决定什么可以正确地称为, 什么不可以——这种情况对合理的观察几乎没有帮助。机翻

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Our Inner Conflicts(Linden West Honey, Karen)

10.If we regard sadism as a neurotic symptom, we must start, as always, not by trying to explain the symptom but by seeking to understand the structure of the personality that develops it.

如果我倾向视为一种神经症症状,我必须始终从理解产生这种症状的人格结构开始, 而不是试图解释症状本身。机翻

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Our Inner Conflicts(Linden West Honey, Karen)

11.What is typical of sadism is not a niggardliness in the sense of withholding but a much more active, though unconscious, impulse to thwart others—to kill their joy and to disappoint their expectations.

的典型特征不是吝啬, 而是更积极的、尽管是无意识的冲动,即挫败人——扼杀的快乐, 令的期望落空。机翻

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Our Inner Conflicts(Linden West Honey, Karen)

12.Sadistic trends, particularly in their repressed form (inverted sadism), make a person lean over backward from anything resembling aggression, with the result that a more or less complete psychic paralysis may ensue.


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经济学人 Culture

13.Many people believe that the books, with what one contemporary critic decried as their " sex, snobbery and sadism" , are skilfully crafted but feel very much of their time—and not in a good way.

许多人认为, 这些书虽然被一位当代评论家斥为“性、势利和,但制作精良, 但感觉很符合的时代——而且不是一种好的方式。机翻

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Our Inner Conflicts(Linden West Honey, Karen)

14.It became clear to me then that the need for destructive exploitation was in fact no separate neurotic trend but only a never-failing expression of that more comprehensive whole which for lack of a better term we call sadism.

我那时才明白, 对破坏性剥削的需求实际上并不是一种独立的神经质倾向, 而只是对这种更全面的整体的一种永不失败的表达, 由于缺乏更好的术语, 我称之为机翻

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