After dinner the children were introduced, and Mrs. Coiler made admiring comments on their eyes, noses, and legs, —a sagacious way of improving their minds.
These animals are caught by stratagem, and, when tamed, they are the most gentle, obedient, and patient, as well as the most docile and sagacious of all quadrupeds.
Yet he would smoke his pipe at the Battery with a far more sagacious air than anywhere else, —even with a learned air, —as if he considered himself to be advancing immensely.
But, in spite of good Mr. Higginson's congratulatory eloquence, this appeared to be the one thing which Colonel Pyncheon, provident and sagacious as he was, had allowed to go at loose ends.
When they issued from beneath its concealment, they found the scout awaiting their appearance nigh by, and the only salutation between them was the significant gesture for silence, made by their sagacious leader.
I refer the sagacious reader to the whole comparison; but must be allowed to quote a passage to enforce an argument that I mean to insist on, as the one most conclusive against a sexual character.
It is not necessary to inform the sagacious reader, now I enter on my concluding reflections, that the discussion of this subject merely consists in opening a few simple principles, and clearing away the rubbish which obscured them.
While she curiously examined its hereditary marks, —the peculiar speckle of its plumage, the funny tuft on its head, and a knob on each of its legs, —the little biped, as she insisted, kept giving her a sagacious wink.