7.CONCLUSIONS: Endotoxemia was resulted in hyperammonemia by various ways including stimulating the secretion of glucagon,which is one of the stress reactions happened in endotoxemia.
8.In the oral ammonia liquid group, secretion of histamine was reduced, and after regiving of gastrin and muscarine, the secretion of histamine remained in an inhibitory state.
9.There are epiphora,conjunctival hyperemia.Press the area of the dacryocystitis there is mucous or mucopurulent secretion flowing out from the lacrimal punctum.....
10.Objective To observe the curative effect of Chanbao Oral Liquid (COL) on the woman with puerperal hypogalactia and investigate the mechanism of the liquid in stimulating milk secretion.
11.In conclusion, LBP possess the action of lowing blood glucose, improving morphogeny and function of pancreatic islet B cells and increasing the secretion of insulin in NIDDM mice.
12.(b) of the acute phase (wet period): about 2-7 days, are beginning to have stuffy nose, increased nasal secretions, sneezing and nasal itching, nasal speech was occlusive, hyposmia.
13.With the method of the thin-layer chromatography technology, the components in secretion of the ear-side gland and skin gland of toad are compared in respect of Bufotoxin and peptide.
14.The experiment is such: Researcher uses foam rubber or plastic from the female alar collect secretion, dissolve is in at the inunction after alcohol the labrum of a few females.
15.Our results provide evidence that small islets are superior to large islets with regard to in vitro insulin secretion and show a higher survival rate during both normoxic and hypoxic culture.